Introducing Shakespeare Confidential

So, I’ve started a new yearlong project. Shakespeare died in 1616. I’m going to read everything he wrote in 2016 and write about it.

I’m calling it Shakespeare Confidential. It’s going to be accessible, personal, and human, so don’t worry if Shakespeare feels Greek to you. You can find it – and follow it – at and @bardconfidensh.

I will be continuing to blog about word origins here, of course. I imagine there will be some fruitful cross-pollination, too, as I’m tracking words of interest during my reading of the Bard’s corpus. Like froward. I read The Taming of the Shrew first for Shakespeare Confidential and this curious word features quite prominently.

If you enjoy my writing here, please do follow and share my new blog.

As always, I so appreciate your readership and fellow word nerdom. It’s what motivates me. That and a particularly juicy etymology, no doubt!

m ∫ r ∫

11 thoughts on “Introducing Shakespeare Confidential

  1. Sounds so exciting. I was never a major fan of shakespeare but any literary endeavour is relished, and the stories are so familiar that it will be interesting to see your take on it.


  2. This sounds so cool! Only just discovered your blog but it looks amazing from what I have seen so far! I recently just started up my blog on happiness and health and I was wondering if you could take a look at it. I’d really love some feedback on some of my past posts so I can do better in my future ones and I am still pretty much a blogging newbie so any tips you have for how you increased your readers would also be very much appreciated 🙂


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